
Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Those Pesky Foreign Leaders 

This article details yet another change in the Kerry campaigns position on those foreign leaders that Kerry might have talked to.


I want my Mtv, well, not really.... 


Getting back to what I referenced earlier.

So in answering question #2 he doesn't answer the question. Instead of answering what his younger self would have said to him now, he palavers about "well, I would have done X if I was in charge," completely evading the fact that what he did do was to give up responsibility for the decision to someone else, then has the nerve to complain about it later.

Then he goes on to basically insult all of our allies in the war against Saddam by saying that they aren't really important. That they don't constitute a "real coalition."

He then says he would have exhausted the inspections. Well frankly, inspections of these kind only work when the persons being investigated cooperate. Saddam Hussein had been giving UN inspectors the run-around since the end of Gulf I, his government engaged in deceitful, and suspicious behavior giving anyone who knew that they had previously possessed WMD reason to think that they still did.

He then goes on to say, "One thing I know ingrained in me by the personal experience of the war I fought in is that you don't just go off to war."

As if 9/11, and the last 10 years never happened. But again, all of this is superfluous, when he voted to give the President authority to go to war, he gave up any moral right to complain about it later. What he's actually saying here is "I approved, but I didn't approve." Sort of like "He voted for it before he voted against it," I guess.

Moving on to the heroes question: What an egomaniacal SOB! He essentially says, "There aren't any heroes out there in politics." "Oh yeah, except for me."

Ok... so then he gets asked about music and he informs all of us that hip-hop and rap have alot of poetry in it. I feel very enriched by this observation. He then proceeds to validate gangsta rappers everywhere by suggesting that their anger is important.

(I could go on, but I just became officially bored by this)


Leadership: The Law of Empowerment 

Empower those you lead.

Sell them a vision and believe in their ability to acheive it.

The greatest things happen only when you give others credit.

Outsourcing is trade 

Here's the thing about "outsourcing," outsourcing is a fancy word for a sub-species of the concept "trade." Outscourcing is trade with people who happen to not live in the same country as you do. When the John Kerry's of the world lambast companies for engaging in trade, what alternative is there, only compulsion. And there is an abundant amount of evidence for what happens when the government starts trying to create a "command" economy.

What the opponents of outsourcing are really saying when they say they want to ban it, or make it harder to do, is that you shouldn't be allowed to transact business with people who don't happen to live where you do. What this means in practice is that instead of buying some good for $.50, you are now compulsed to buy it for $1.00.

And what that means, is that instead of getting to save $.50 of your own money to spend on whatever you like, you have to pay a $.50 bribe to some domestic provider of the same service who then gets to spend the $.50 of your money that he couldn't have otherwise earned from you.
