
Thursday, March 11, 2004

A Tax Idea 


So given that we have a tax system, and it's not going away soon. Perhaps it would be valuable to change the nature of the debate somewhat.

I propose that those American's who earn the greatest income pay no taxes at all.

I don't even begin to imagine what level, dollar-wise, at which you would have to set the bar. But the particulars are unimportant. The point that needs to be made is that these people earn the greatest income for a very particular reason, that they are the most productive persons in the USA. And since this is the USA, also the world.

If productivity is to be regarded as a virtue, then let us celebrate that virtue by ending the punishment of success in this country. Rather than forcing these people to pay more than their fair share, which is the way the system is setup now. Why not tell them instead, in light of the fact that you've proven yourself to be so productive, we're going to give you the freedom to unleash your productive energy unhindered by the burden of taxes.

...imagine the economic growth and productivity such a plan would encourage. First, the top echelon of tax-payers would realize, "hey, now everything I earn is mine! And I don't have to mess with the tax hassle anymore." Now there's an incentive to work even harder and create even more wealth. And imagine the industriousness it would spur in the people that were within striking distance of the tax-exemption goal. And even more generally, imagine the hope that it would awaken in every man, and woman just starting out at the beginning of a career when they realized that if they worked hard enough, they too could acheive such success.
